VQA Gets a New Identity!
A new logo for VQA!
Most people have heard of – or seen – this acronym “VQA” – but what does it stand for?
“Vintners Quality Alliance, or VQA, is a regulatory and appellation system which guarantees the high quality and authenticity of origin for Canadian wines made under that system in British Columbia and Ontario. It is similar to regulatory systems in France (AOC), Spain (DO), Italy (DOC), and Germany (QmP).” [ Source ]
In Ontario, over 160 wineries use the VQA designation.
Just recently, the Wine Marketing Association of Ontario announced a re-design for the VQA logo, which was 30 years old.
Believe, it or not, this logo re-design project took 2 years!
Here is the old VAQ logo, next to the new one!
Old VQA Logo
New VQA Logo
What do you think of the new logo?
Comment below!